Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sativa Riddim

Yellow Tape Riddim

Monday, January 5, 2009

Serani robbed at gunpoint in St. Croix!?

 gets to understand that the island of St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands was the scene of a near-deadly robbery in which Serani and his road manager were the victims of a daring robbery at gunpoint.

With all the signs pointing to them being set up by the promoter of the show Serani had just performed at, they were mysteriously dropped outside the hotel and immediately jacked by two gunmen who carried them upstairs to Serani's room, put them on their faces on the ground and told Serani they were going to kill him.

They proceeded to rob him and his road manager of a substantial amount of cash and expensive jewelry before making their escape. (source)

Relationship Riddim